Would You Go to Heaven If You Died Today?

Would You Go to Heaven If You Died Today?

Chances are we have all entertained questions like; if I had a million dollars, I would… or if I were the boss, I would…but what if someone asked you “Would you go to Heaven if you died today?” If your answer is no, keep reading. If your answer is yes, keep reading.

The old saying is two things in life are certain…death and taxes. The Bible tells us that it is appointed once unto man to die and after this the judgment (Heb. 9:27). So, are you prepared for that day? Are you sure? God sent his only Son, Jesus Christ, to die for us so that we can be prepared. However, we have to do our part to obtain eternal salvation. If you answered no to the question above you may be asking, so what do I have to do? The Bible lays out God’s plan for salvation.

  • HEAR———–Romans 10:17
  • BELIEVE——–Mark 16:16
  • CONFESS——Romans 10:9
  • REPENT——–Luke 13:5
  • BAPTISM——Acts 2:38

If you answered yes to the question above, are you sure? Are you following the last step (live faithfully unto death)? Are you living according to God’s standard, the Bible, not yours or someone else’s? Do you attend worship service and Bible study regularly? Do you study the Bible daily? Do you pray without ceasing? Are you planting and watering seeds for the kingdom? Are you forgiving those who need forgiveness? Are you serving in the Lord’s kingdom? Are you spreading kindness instead of bitterness wherever you go? Can people tell you truly are a Christian or would they say, “I didn’t know you go to church?” Ouch!

Eternity never ends. There are no second chances. Are you ready? Would you go to Heaven if you died today?


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