Bob’s Corner

Bob’s Corner

Good morning Church!

Anyone know or remember the name Paulette Harlow? How about Paul Vaughn? No? Well, Paulette Harlow is a 75-year-old woman who was arrested for praying in front of an abortion clinic in 2020 and sentenced to prison in 2024. Paul Vaughn’s home was raided by the FBI in 2022 for praying at an abortion clinic. He and 6 others were peacefully removed from the clinic. Police reports said he was peaceful, helpful and cooperative. A year and a half later, the Department of Justice declared that he intimidated, interfered and became physical while impeding the operations of the clinic. In case you recognize some of the government agencies mentioned, yes, this happened in the good ole USA, one in Washington DC and the other in Mt. Juliet, Tennessee. In all, 23 people were arrested and prosecuted in like manner under the previous administration, who aggressively went after people of faith, all the while ignoring the riots during their height that burned huge portions of Wisconsin and Oregon cities. Doesn’t seem right, does it? It’s not. But before you fall into dismay or get mad…

I am so optimistic about our country! And no, for the last time (well, maybe), I haven’t lost my mind, although there is much debate about that, let me share my optimism. Yesterday, President Trump signed an executive order, pardoning these 23 pro-life protesters that had been prosecuted and some imprisoned by the previous administration for practicing their faith. Their only “crimes” were praying and singing hymns in public. Throw the book at them, even if you have to fake a new book! Folks, and I keep saying this, I truly believe that the Great Awakening is here. And it hasn’t slipped quietly in the back door, it’s kicked the front door off the hinges! Praise God! For a man that has been excoriated in the lamestream media, who I have grown to deplore, this President is showing leadership and common sense. Those folks should never have been persecuted for displaying their faith, and the fact that this pardon was done in a public forum for all the world to see just makes me almost giddy! Faith is on the march! Let us all pray that we take advantage of the momentum and do our part, whatever that part is, and thank God for His love. Satan is on a losing streak. Let’s keep him there!

In Him,
Brother Bob

Bob's Corner


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