Good evening Church!
I anticipate having no time to write the corner tomorrow due to closing and cleaning the shop, so here it is!
This is my favorite time of year. Fall. While I appreciate the greenery of spring, the suffocating Georgia summer heat, and the stark cold (if you can call it that said the Ohio boy) of winter, fall is my absolute favorite time. Cooler temperatures, leaves falling all around, the brilliant colors, the smells, my first pots of Brunswick stew and chili, you just can’t beat it. I am continually enthralled by nature; my five mile stretch of road, the changes I see it go through, all brought to bear by the Creator of the Universe! But I found this out last night as Ms. Selina and I were reading…
In Dan Winkler’ book “Something Happened when I Prayed” he recounts creation and what each member of the Godhead had in it. God the Father crafted the universe, God the Son created it, and God the Holy Spirit gave it color (Job 26:13). Maybe that’s what the writer of the book “The Shack” had in mind when he portrayed the Holy Spirit as a free spirit who decorated creation. While I’m not so sure about the characterization, one thing I do know; Nature is beautiful. And NOBODY but an omnipotent and loving God could pull this off, and anyone who thinks this all happened by accident, there is a verse in Psalms about you. Our weekend in Georgia was just breathtaking. I hope you took some time to look, take it all in, admire what your eyes see, and thank our God above for what He has blessed us with. Ain’t nothing like fall.
In Him,
Brother Bob