Church Blog

Church Blog

Bob’s Corner

Good morning Church! Anyone know or remember the name Paulette Harlow? How about Paul Vaughn? No? Well, Paulette Harlow is a 75-year-old woman who was arrested for praying in front of an abortion clinic in 2020 and sentenced to prison in 2024. Paul Vaughn’s home was raided by the FBI in 2022 for praying at an abortion clinic. He and 6 others were peacefully removed from the clinic. Police reports said he was peaceful, helpful and cooperative. A year and…

Bob’s Corner

Good morning Church! I have never been one to change my mind often. Usually, when my mind is made up, it’s made up. That works, sometimes. If I go to a restaurant to eat, I already know what I’m going to order. The waitresses at our Waffle House make jokes about it. I will sometimes, but not often, make a “game-time” decision about what I’m going to eat. Most all of my decisions are treated with the same dogged determination,…

Bob’s Corner

Good morning Church! I think it’s happening! I really think so! The Great Awakening is in full swing! I have been praying for this for at least 15 years, and I can see it coming down the track like a speeding train! And it’s gaining momentum! I am so excited (can you tell by the exclamation points???)!!! For a while there, I thought this event may never happen in my lifetime, but it’s here! And it is GLORIOUS!!! You may…

Bob’s Corner

Good morning Church! This past week Ms. Selina and I went to Alabama to see her sister and brother-in-law, Jack and Kathy Abels. Lots of you have met them. I’ve known Kathy as long as I have known Selina (holy cow since 1964) and Jack since I was a teenager. In addition to us, all their kids and many grandkids were there this weekend. We had to use the church fellowship hall because we couldn’t fit in their home. 17…

Bob’s Corner

Good morning Church! The Corner is early because tomorrow Ms. Selina and I are headed to the great state of Alabama to visit Jack and Kathy and family. I hope you have made your yearly resolutions. I don’t, but somebody’s got to! If I remember right, the last time I made NY resolutions was in the early to mid 80’s. I didn’t find them helpful anymore. Most of them were made based on what I felt at the time or…

Bob’s Corner

Good almost evening Church! Wayne Campbell had finally saved up the money to buy his dream guitar, a 64 Classic White Fender Stratocaster. He went to the guitar store, picked it and started to play. The store owner cleared his throat as he strummed the first chord and pointed a sign that read “NO STAIRWAY.” Wayne looked into the camera and said, “Denied!” That’s what happened to me on Monday. I was commenting on a FB page that was created…

Bob’s Corner

Good morning Church! Let me piggyback off what Brother JJ said about our meeting yesterday. A truly, Biblical spiritual “love feast” is exactly what I picture that Jude was talking about. The energy, the love, the fellowship, and the food! And y’all wonder why I pray for potlucks in Heaven?! One more thing that is more than evident in our gatherings, whether fellowship, Bible class or assemblies, is positivity. That is infectious. I’ve written much and taught about the effects…

Bob’s Corner

Good morning Church! An old Cherokee was teaching his grandson about life. “A fight is going on inside me.” He said to the boy. It is a terrible fight, and it is between two wolves. One is evil-he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride and ego. He continued, “The other is good-he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith.” The same fight is going on…

Bob’s Corner

Good morning Church! Because Ms. Selina and I have done all our banking in Griffin for the last 6 years, we have seen no reason to change even though the bank is 20 minutes away. You see, they know us there. When I went to bank last week, Ms. Lesa, the teller, called me by name and asked me which account I needed to access. As she completed her task, we talked about how automation has tried to take over,…

Bob’s Corner

Good evening Church! I anticipate having no time to write the corner tomorrow due to closing and cleaning the shop, so here it is! This is my favorite time of year. Fall. While I appreciate the greenery of spring, the suffocating Georgia summer heat, and the stark cold (if you can call it that said the Ohio boy) of winter, fall is my absolute favorite time. Cooler temperatures, leaves falling all around, the brilliant colors, the smells, my first pots…

The sinner’s prayer – can it save you?

As a child, I was raised by two loving parents with a deep abiding faith in Jesus Christ with an equally strong faith in the “power” of the sinner’s prayer to save the lost soul. As a child, I obeyed the “gospel”, as I had been taught, and prayed the sinner’s prayer with the full expectation that when I was through with the prayer my salvation would be secure. From the age of eight, I set about trying to live…

Would You Go to Heaven If You Died Today?

Chances are we have all entertained questions like; if I had a million dollars, I would… or if I were the boss, I would…but what if someone asked you “Would you go to Heaven if you died today?” If your answer is no, keep reading. If your answer is yes, keep reading. The old saying is two things in life are certain…death and taxes. The Bible tells us that it is appointed once unto man to die and after this…