Bob’s Corner

Bob’s Corner

Good morning Church!

This past week Ms. Selina and I went to Alabama to see her sister and brother-in-law, Jack and Kathy Abels. Lots of you have met them. I’ve known Kathy as long as I have known Selina (holy cow since 1964) and Jack since I was a teenager. In addition to us, all their kids and many grandkids were there this weekend. We had to use the church fellowship hall because we couldn’t fit in their home. 17 in all! There was a meal, fellowship, games, laughter and chaos! What a blast! I don’t really do games a lot, so I sat back and observed. In all the activity, I observed each married couple and watched how they interacted. I was struck by one couple in particular. Not Jack and Kathy. Not Selina and me (well it’s kinda hard to observe us). It was Jared and Cristy, Jack and Kathy’s oldest son and daughter-in-law. And here’s what I saw…

I saw a couple in love with each other, I mean really in love. They seemed to know where the other one was at all times, even if they weren’t together. They spoke kindly to each other. They doted on each other. They had that glue that so many speak about that holds things together. They talk about their kids with a sparkle in their eyes. In attitude, their kids mimic them. And in the few times I have been able to spend time with them, they impressed me as a couple that not only love each other, they love Jesus. And they love each other like Jesus loves them. They talk about Him and each other with the same sparkle they talk about their kids. In assembly, JJ taught about us being the bride of Christ and how that should translate to how we treat our spouses. I saw that in action and it was something to behold. And not only should that be our relationship with Jesus, but with each other. Love each other. Prefer each other. Defer to each other. Be excited to be together. Be kind to each other. Be an example to each other. Come to think of it, what I witnessed at the Abel’s shindig reminds me of us. Us at 140. I’ve said often that “we get it.” We do. I pray we never lose that. I’m confident we won’t. I see it in action, and it’s something to behold!

In Him,
Brother Bob

Bob's Corner


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